Workshop “Health in the Anthropocene”, 9 and 10 September 2024

Workshop “Health in the Anthropocene”

This Workshop wants to bring together national and international researchers and provide a platform to create a productive discussion among scholars on a theme that is of pressing importance and relevance across an array of disciplines and approaches, as well as encourage innovative and transdisciplinary research and foster future collaborations.

Link for online participation will be available shortly - watch this space!

Global health and healthcare systems are facing substantial and unprecedented challenges, due to climate change, pollution, ageing populations, and the increasing rates of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs). Many countries are still struggling to have adequate systems to face these new needs

While a lot of progress has been made in terms of highly preventable risks, high-income countries are facing an aging population, with higher risks related to functional health and NCDs. At the same time, middle and low-income countries are witnessing an increase in NCDs, due to pollution and industrialization.

Climate change poses an ever increasing and probably the hardest challenge to the progress in global health and well-being, putting at risk many of the improvements and achievements of the last decades, through the increased frequency and severity of weather shocks, that can have devastating impacts on health, including increasing the spread of tropical, as well as impact mental health

Policies are needed to implement preventive measures and interventions, including regulatory ones, and support a broad range of innovations. At the same time, health innovations need to be purposefully designed to better support health systems. Indeed, especially in countries where there is a low human development index, in the absence of adequate policy measures, innovations tend to increase pressure on human resource skills and responsibilities, and exacerbate inequalities.


View the Call For Papers (closed)

Registration form (open for auditors until Aug 31st)


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