

I seminari si tengono (di regola) in Aula Bracco, Edificio D6, Sede di Novoli il martedì alle 13.30

Seminari di Dipartimento

Data Relatore                                             Titolo
11/03/2025 Michele Gori (Unifi) Two solution concepts for finite strategic games based on Kalai and Schmeidler’s admissible set
18/3/2025 Laura Lasio (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
Online Travel Agencies and beyond: The role of sales channels for hotels and consumers
25/03/2025 Corrado De Vecchi (Università di Verona) Some remarks on almost stochastic dominance
01/04/2025 Margherita Squarcina (University of Goettingen) Price shock and income: the mediating role of certification on coffee farmers’ resilience in Rwanda
08/04/2025 Tobias Klein (Tilburg University) TBA
15/04/2025 Eugenio Vicario (Università di Firenze) Quantifying the 10-minute city: the case of Florence
29/04/2025 Marzia Fontana (Sussex University) Promoting gender-responsive structural transformation in selected LMICs: insights from an ILO-UN Women project.
06/05/2025 Roberto Casarin (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia) High-dimensional Tensor Regression Models
13/05/2025 Edgar Sanchez Carrera (Unifi) Evolutionary Dynamics of Hierarchical Economies: Economic Growth versus Poverty Traps
27/05/2025 Holger Kraft (Goethe University Frankfurt) TBA
19/06/2025 Rob Vos (IFPRI, Washington DC) Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood systems

Seminari Passati

Data Relatore Titolo
04/03/2025 Roberto Nisticò (Università Federico II - Napoli) Guaranteed Minimum Income and Fertility
25/02/2025 Fabio Gaetano Santeramo (EUI and Università di Foggia) Lessons from the Past: How Experience Reduces the Impact of Weather Shocks on Ugandan Smallholders
11/02/2025 Umberto Cherubini (Università di Bologna) Choquet Pricing and Implied Dividend Bounds: An Anatomy of Three Stock Markets
04/02/2025 Claudio Tebaldi (Bocconi University) Business network equilibria: descriptive and normative analysis.
28/01/2025 Donato Masciandaro (Bocconi University) Neither Free Cities nor Feudal Towns. Political Elites, Urban Institutions and Long-run Persistence: The King-owned Towns.
21/01/2025 Francesco Ciardiello (Università di Salerno) Controllability of the Core and vN-M Stable Sets when voting is riskily delegated and multidimensional-policy implementation is costly
14/01/2025 Pablo Marcos Prieto (Unifi)  Is hostile behavior intuitive? A Hawk-Dove experiment with a varying harshness of conflict


ore 11.00

aula D6.018

Christmas Lecture -

Vincenzo Manes
(Imprenditore e filantropo. Ideatore di Fondazione Dynamo.
Cavaliere del Lavoro)

"Il falso mito della meritocrazia"
10/12/2024 Carlo Reggiani (JRC Sevilla) The Price Effects of Prohibiting Price Parity Clauses: Evidence from Major Hotel Chains
03/12/2024 Salvatore Di Falco (University of Geneva and LSE) Environmental Conservation Technology  and Productivity: Evidence from Ethiopia
26/11/2024 Mauro Lanati (Unifi) Visa policy and international student migration: evidence from Canada
19/11/2024 Magdalena Kuyterink (EUI) Should I Stay or Should I go? Analyzing Homeowners' Response to Short-Term Rental Regulations
12/11/2024 Tai-Ho Wang (Baruch University) Relative entropy-regularized robust optimal order execution under transient impact
29/10/2024 Francesco Lamperti (FEEM and Sant'Anna) Climate Growth-at-Risk
14-18/10/2024 International Week 2024 Final Programme
22/10/2024 Vincenzo Bove (IMT Lucca) The Intangible Costs of Terrorism: Assessing its Impact on Individual Well-Being
15/10/2024 Regine Oexl (Unifi) Economic Distress and Group Bias
08/10/2024 Gianluca Iannucci (Unifi) Public Pro-environmental Behaviour and the Transition to Environmentalism
01/10/2024 Derek Bunn (LBS) The Delicate Art of Determining Electricity Resource Adequacy
17/09/2024 Chiara Rapallini (Unifi) Risk attitudes in a ageing society: measurement and neural basis
25/06/2024 Antonio Scognamillo (FAO) Too fast, too soon: Assessing the early impact of the import ban of agrochemicals in Sri Lanka


ore 16.00

Tianhao Zhi (UIC, Beijing Normal Univerisity) Financing Innovation: from venture capital to IP securitization
11/06/2024 Saldarriaga Isaza (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Approaching the sub-national and spatial impact of a gold rush and policy changes
04/06/2024 Ben Tippet (University of Greenwich) The impact of climate disasters on climate action: a quasi-natural experiment in Western Europe
28/05/2024 Marco Grazzi (Univerisità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Extended producer responsibility and trade flows in waste: The case of batteries


ore 14.00

Giacomo Toscano (Unifi)
The Fourier non-parametric estimation method with high-frequency data: from volatility to volatility of volatility
14/05/2024 Yannis Dafermos (SOAS University)
Environmental regulation, macrofinancial feedback loops and climate policy mixes
10/05/2024 ore 14.30 Luca Trapin (Unibo)
High-dimensional dynamic matrix factor models
07/05/2024 Giorgos Galanis (Queen Mary University) Generalizing Heuristic Switching Models
30/04/2024 Mauro Sylos Labini (Unipi) Anti-Poverty Programs and Voter Behavior: A Tale of Two Elections
23/04/2024 Marzia Fontana (IDS and LSE)
Inclusive Trade and Persons with Disabilities
16/04/2024 Pietro Guarnieri (Unipi) Back to the Future: an Experiment on Ecological Restoration
09/04/2024 Vittorio Emanuele Ferrante (Unifi) Affinità e divergenze tra micro e macroeconomia. Sul conseguimento del soggetto. 
26/03/2024 Lucia Ferrone (Unifi) Multidimensional Vulnerability to sea-level rise: an application to Madagascar
19/03/2024 Federico Maglione (Unifi) Introducing and testing the Carr model of default


ore 15.00

Simone Guercini (Unifi) Marketing Automation and Decision Making


ore 15.00

Yacine Ait-SahaIia (Princeton University) Asset pricing in an economy with changing sentiment and price feedback



ore 15.00



Marco Buti, Tommaso Padoa Schioppa chair,
Istituto Universitario Europeo

Giancarlo Corsetti, Pierre Werner chair,

Istituto Universitario Europeo

12/03/2024 Anatole Cheysson (EUI e Università di Bologna) Foreign Television, Language Proficiency and Brain Drain: Evidence from a Natural Experiment



Nicolas Hatem (Paris School of Economics) Can land-use planning speed-up the clean energy transition ? Evidence from ground-mounted solar
05/03/2024 Filippo Santi (Università di Bologna) Government Demand and Firm Growth
27/02/2024 Francesco Salustri (Università Roma Tre) The behavioural economics of responsible consumption.
20/02/2024 Chiara Lodi (Università di Urbino) Can we nudge sustainable food consumption? A field experiment at the University of Urbino canteen
13/02/2024 Luca Lodi (Unifi) Population Density and Countries' Export Performance: A Supply-Side Structural Gravity with Unilateral Variables
06/02/2024 David Goldbaum (UTS, Sydney)
A deep neural network to model an agent-based virtual experiment with learning
30/01/2024 Marco Fabbri (Università di Bologna) How property shapes distributional preferences
23/01/2024 Luca Bettarelli (Università di Palermo)
The Economic Costs of Temperature Volatility: Evidence from US Firms
16/01/2024 Tulia Gattone (Unifi) Participation of Farmers in Market Value Chains: A Tailored Antràs and Chor Positioning Indicator

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