The Sustainable Innovation Research Hub (SIRH) at the Department of Economics and Management (DISEI) of the University of Florence aims to put in contact scholars, practitioners, organizations and individuals that are interested in social and environmental sustainability.
The main goal of SIRH is to disseminate research projects, articles, seminars and events about sustainability and is aimed at fostering a network among our department, research centers, companies and other stakeholders on topics which include, but are not limited to, Responsible management and social entrepreneurship, Sustainable innovation and human development, CSR communication and non-financial disclosure, sustainable consumer behavior, Smart cities, tourism and local ecosystems.
Research projects on the above-mentioned different areas of interest are available in the left side menu. In about us page you can find a detailed description of SIRH. In sustainability news page you can view events and call for papers about sustainability. In our activities page you can be updated about all the events and projects we organize and take part to. In contacts page you can find the email to contact us.
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