Regolamento collana Working Papers
Guide for editing a DISEI Working Paper
Collocazione editoriale dei WP in Economics del DiSEI
WP04/2025 Giorgos GALANIS, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Ben TIPPET
Too calm in the storm? Revisiting the Relationship Between Vulnerability and Climate Action
WP03/2025 Andrew DILLON, Nicolo TOMASELLI
Licensed to Deal: Auction Design for Market Creation\\ in a Low-Income Country
WP02/2025 Tiziano DISTEFANO, Raphael PORCHEROT, Benedetto ROCCHI, Gino STURLA, Mauro VICCARO
Are We at a Watershed? \\An Integrated Assessment Model for Italy
WP01/2025 Filippo PIETRINI
The Dissemination of Marx in England: a Quantitative Assessment
WP29/2024 Stefano CLÒ, Gianluca IANNUCCI, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Dynamic Choice of Renewable Energy Communities
WP28/2024 Marco BELLANDI, Gianluca FIORINDI, Jasna POCEK, Sara PUCCI, Silvia RAMONDETTA
L’Ecosistema Toscano dell'Innovazione e delle Imprese nelle Scienze della Vita: Prime Evidenze
WP27/2024 Erica Ordali, Chiara Rapallini
Aging and Financial Risk-Taking: A Meta-Analysis
WP26/2024 Elisa GRUGNI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
Behind the International Trade Network: The Role of Heterogeneity and Financial Frictions
WP25/2024 Vittorioemanuele FERRANTE
Scelte in Posizione Platonica e Sostituzioni in Posizione Eraclitea. Osservazioni Intorno alla Teoria delle Preferenze Incomplete di Antonio Gay
WP24/2024 Giulio CIFARELLI, Paolo PAESANI
On the Relevance of the Purchasing Power Hypothesis as a Determinant of Exchange Rate Equilibrium in the Post WWI French Franc Floating Exchange Rate Period.
WP23/2014 Clara Andresciani, Debora Di Gioacchino, Laura Sabani
The political Economy of the Public/Private Mix in Healthcare: Assessing the Decongestion Effect Argument
WP22/2014 Paolo BERTOLETTI, Federico ETRO
Decomposing the Welfare Gains from Trade
WP21/2014 Federico ETRO, Elena STEPANOVA
A Century of Art Dealing in New York
WP20/2014 Muhammed CEESAY, Nicola DONI, Domenico MENICUCCI
Asymmetric Auctions with Discretely Distributed Valuations
WP19/2024 Stefania MIRICOLA, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Margherita VELUCCHI
The survival of foreign affiliates in developed countries: a location-based analysis
WP18/2024 Andrew DILLON, Nicoló TOMASELLI
Making Markets: Experiments in Agricultural Input Market Formation
WP17/2024 Elisabetta CALABRESI
“Don’t Leave Me Alone”: Unilateral Divorce and Intimate Partner Violence
Bank Lending Policies and Green Transition
WP15/2024 Gabriele CAMERA, Alessandro GIOFFRÈ
Cooperation in Temporary Partnerships
WP14/2024 Sylvain DESSY, Francesca MARCHETTA, Roland PONGOU, Luca TIBERTI
Women’s Relative Earning Power and Fertility: Evidence from Climate Shocks in Rural Madagascar
WP13/2024 Sylvain DESSY, Luca TIBERTI, Marco TIBERTI, David ZOUNDI
Coping with Drought in Village Economies: The Role of Polygyny
WP12/2024 Sana KHAN, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, Lucia FERRONE
Can Maternal Education Enhance Children’s Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Outcomes? Evidence from 2003 Education Reform in Kenya
WP11/2024 Luca LODI
Population Density and Countries' Export Performance: A Supply-Side Structural Gravity with Unilateral Variables
WP10/2024 Domenico DELLI GATTI, Tommaso FERRARESI, Filippo GUSELLA, Lilit POPOYAN, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Andrea ROVENTINI
The Interplay between Real and Exchange Rate Market: an Agent-Based Model Approach
Effects of Wealth Inequality and Segregation on Economic Growth: An Interpretation via Luxury Asset Holdings
WP08/2024 Debora DI GIOACCHINO, Emanuela GHIGNONI, Laura SABANI
Health Disparities in Europe: Insights from a Cluster Analysis of Healthcare Systems
WP07/2024 Donato ROMANO
Matteotti e le politiche di riforma agraria
WP06/2024 Stefano CLÒ, Gianluca IANNUCCI, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Emission permits and firms’ environmental responsibility
WP05/2024 Domenico DELLI GATTI, Filippo GUSELLA, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
Endogenous vs Exogenous Instability: An Out-of-Sample Comparison
WP04/2024 Ahmed Kouider AISSA, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Green Consumers and the Transition to Sustainable Production
WP03/2024 Alessandro GUAZZINI
Positional Concerns, Advertising Expenses and their Externalities
WP02/2024 Gianluca STEFANI , Maria Chiara CECCHETTI, Federico MARTELLOZZO, Andrea BUCELLI
La proprietà fondiaria nell’aree interne. Un’indagine sulla Montagna Fiorentina e la Val Bisenzio
WP01/2024 Gabriele CAMERA, Alessandro GIOFFRÉ
Financial Contagion and Financial Lockdowns
WP11/2023 Giulio CIFARELLI
Commodity Pricing Volatility Shifts in a Highly Turbulent Time Period. A Time-varying Transition Probability Markov Switching Analysis
WP10/2023 Taylor HIGGINS, Federico MARTELLOZZO, Filippo RANDELLI
Airbnb and the City: Comparative Analysis of Short-Term Rentals policies in Florence (Italy)
WP09/2023 Immacolata RANUCCI, Donato ROMANO, Luca TIBERTI
Gendered Effect of Climate Shocks on Resilience to Food Insecurity: the Role of Kinship Norms
WP08/2023 Teresa CAPPELLI, Luca TIBERTI, Elisa TICCI
Climate, Women’s Resilience and Mediating Channels in Rural Benin
WP07/2023 Federico ETRO
e-Commerce Platforms and Self-preferencing
WP06/2023 Cristina BERNINI, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Much Ado about Salary: A Comparison of Monetary and Non-Monetary Components of Job Satisfaction
WP05/2023 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Inequality and capabilities in an era of rising instability
WP04/2023 Giulia MALEVOLTI, Donato ROMANO
Poverty Dynamics and Poverty Traps among Refugee and Host Communities in Uganda
WP03/2023 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Macroeconomics and Children
WP02/2023 Alessandro BALESTRINO, Lisa GRAZZINI, Annalisa LUPORINI
School Fees and Vouchers when Quality of Education Matters
WP01/2023 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Filippo PIETRINI
An Agent Based Model of Fads
WP27/2022 Federico ETRO
Art and Markets in the Greco-Roman World
WP26/2022 Gino STURLA, Benedetto ROCCHI
An Interregional Input-Output Model with Spatiotemporal Hydrological Variability. The Case of Tuscany
WP25/2022 Sylvain DESSY, Luca TIBERTI, David ZOUNDI
The Gender Education Gap in Developing Countries: Roles of Income Shocks and Culture
WP24/2022 Gino STURLA, Benedetto ROCCHI
Incorporating Hydrological Variability into a Hydro-economic Input-Output Model. An application to Tuscany
WP23/2022 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Macroeconomics and Children
WP22/2022 Giorgos GALANIS, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Ben TIPPET
The Global Political Economy of a Green Transition
WP21/2022 Ulugbek AMINJONOV, Olivier BARGAIN, Maira COLACCE, Luca TIBERTI
Culture, Intra-household Distribution and Individual Poverty
WP20/2022 Filippo GUSELLA, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
A State-Space Approach for Time-Series Prediction of an Heterogeneous Agent Model
WP19/2022 Paolo BRUNORI, Pedro SALAS-ROJO, Paolo VERME
Estimating Inequality with Missing Incomes
WP18/2022 Pierre M. PICARD, Alessandro TAMPIERI, Xi WAN
Are Deregulated Airports More Efficient?
WP17/2022 Gino STURLA, Lorenzo CIULLA, Benedetto ROCCHI
Italy’s Volumetric, Scarce and Social-scarce water footprint: a Hydro Economic Input-Output Analysis
WP16/2022 Guilherme SPINATO MORLIN
International Inflation and Trade Linkages in Brazil under Inflation Targeting
The Slippery Slope from Pluralistic to Plural Societies
WP14/2022 Giammarco ALDEROTTI, Chiara RAPALLINI, Silvio TRAVERSO
The Big Five Personality Traits and Earnings: A Meta-Analysis
WP13/2022 Katerina KOKA, Chiara RAPALLINI
Italy's demographic trap: voting for childcare subsidies and fertility outcomes
WP12/2022 Alessandro PASSARO, Filippo RANDELLI
Spaces of Governance for Sustainable Transformation of Local Food Systems: the Case of 8 biodistricts in Tuscany
WP11/2022 Ennio BILANCINI, Leonardo BONCINELLI, Eugenio VICARIO
Assortativity in Cognition
WP10/2022 Giulia MALEVOLTI
Can Weather Shocks Give Rise to a Poverty Trap? Evidence from Nigeria
Language as a Regional Driver of the Trade of Place-sensitive Products: The case of Made-in-Italy Goods
WP08/2022 Margherita SQUARCINA, Donato ROMANO
Identifying the Transmission Channels of COVID-19 Impact on Poverty and Food Security in Refugee-Hosting Districts of Uganda
WP07/2022 Margherita SQUARCINA
The impact of COVID-19 on household income and participation in the agri-food value chain: Evidence from Ethiopia
WP06/2022 Ennio BILANCINI, Leonardo BONCINELLI, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Strategy Assortativity and the Evolution of Parochialism
WP05/2022 Domenico COLUCCI, Nicola DONI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Vincenzo VALORI
Market Dynamics with a State-owned Dominant Firm and a Competitive Fringe
WP04/2022 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Transition, Recession and Mortality Crisis in the Former Soviet Bloc: an update to the year 2014
WP03/2022 Federica DANIELE, Stefano CLÒ, Enza MALTESE, Alessandra PASQUINI
Unburdening Regulation: the impact of regulatory simplification on photovoltaic adoption in Italy
WP02/2022 Filippo GUSELLA
Detecting and Measuring Financial Cycles in Heterogeneous Agents Models: An Empirical Analysis
WP01/2022 Elena PERRA
Road to Division: Ethnic Favouritism in the Provision of Road Infrastructure in Ethiopia
WP22/2021 Federico ETRO
Platform Competition with Free Entry of Sellers
WP21/2021 Federico ETRO
Hybrid Marketplaces with Free Entry of Sellers
WP20/2021 Federico ETRO
Technologies for Endogenous Growth
WP19/2021 Roberto MARTINO
Public Investment, Convergence and Productivity Growth in European regions
WP18/2021 Benedetto ROCCHI, Gino STURLA
An Input-Output Hydro-Economic Model to Assess the Economic Pressure on Water Resources in Tuscany
WP17/2021 Filippo SANTI, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Margherita VELUCCHI
Migrants know better: Migrants’ networks and FDI
Estimating Demand with Multi-Homing in Two-Sided Markets
WP15/2021 Filippo GUSELLA, Anna Maria VARIATO
Financial Instability and Income Inequality: why the connection Minsky-Piketty matters for Macroeconomics
WP14/2021 Mario BIGGERI, Domenico COLUCCI, Nicola DONI, Vincenzo VALORI
Good Deeds, Business, and Social Responsibility in a Market Experiment
WP13/2021 Ennio BILANCINI, Leonardo BONCINELLI, Sebastian ILLE, Eugenio VICARIO
Memory Retrieval and Harshness of Conflict in the Hawk-Dove Game
WP12/2021 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Latin America's Income Inequality Under five Political Regimes, 1870-2018
WP11/2021 Rossella BARDAZZI, Maria Grazia PAZIENZA, Maria Eugenia SANIN
Life-cycle Characteristics and Energy Practices in Developing Countries: the Case of Mexico
WP10/2021 Filippo GUSELLA, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
State Space Model to Detect Cycles in Heterogeneous Agents Models
WP09/2021 Rossella BARDAZZI, Leonardo GHEZZI
Large-scale Multinational Shocks and International Trade: a Non-zero-sum Game
(Economic Systems Research, 2021)
WP08/2021 Paolo CASTELNUOVO, Stefano CLO', Massimo FLORIO
Space policy drives innovation through technological procurement: evidence from Italy
WP07/2021 Simona GIGLIOLI, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI, Arianna VIVOLI
The Resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy
WP06/2021 Stefano CLO', Enrico MARVASI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
The Internationalization of State-Owned Enterprises:An Analysis of cross-border M&As
WP05/2021 Giuseppe COCO, Daniele DI SIMONE, Laura SERLENGA, Sabrina MOLINARO
Risk Awareness and Complexity in Students’ Gambling
Market power and productivity trends in the European economies. A macroeconomic perspective.
Do Country Centrality and Similarity to China matter in the Allocation of Belt and Road Projects?
Five Stylized facts on Belt and Road Countries and their Trade Patterns
WP01/2021 Eugenia CANESSA, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI
Women's Employment and Natural Shocks
WP22/2020 Luciano SEGRETO
Le stime economiche della CIA e l’imprevedibile fine dell’URSS
WP21/2020 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Filippo SANTI, Margherita VELUCCHI
A Synthetic Index on the COVID19 Impact on Italian Regions
WP20/2020 Federico ETRO
Product Selection in Online Marketplaces
WP19/2020 Federico ETRO
Device-funded vs Ad-funded Platforms
WP18/2020 Roberto ANTONIETTI, Giulia DE MASI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
Linking FDI Network Topology with the Covid-19 Pandemic
WP17/2020 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Giulio CIFARELLI
Endogenous and Exogenous Volatility in the Foreign Exchange Market
WP16/2020 Cristina BERNINI, Alessandro TAMPERI
The Mediating Role of Urbanization on the Composition of Happiness
WP15/2020 Debora DI GIOACCHINO, Laura SABANI, Stefano USAI
Why education expenditures differ across countries? The role of income
inequality, human capital, and the inclusiveness of the education system
WP14/2020 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI, Filippo SANTI
UK trade with Africa after Brexit
WP13/2020 Paolo BRUNORI, Maria Luisa MAITINO, Letizia RAVAGLI, Nicola SCICLONE
Distant and Unequal. Lockdown and Inequalities in Italy
WP12/2020 Federico ETRO
Technological Foundations for Dynamic Models with Endogenous Entry
(European Economic Review, 2020, 128, 103517.)
WP11/2020 Alessandro CARRARO, Lucia FERRONE, Margherita SQUARCINA
Are COVID-19 Containment Measures Equally Effective in Different World Regions?
WP10/2020 Stefano CLÒ, Marco FRIGERIO, Daniela VANDONE
Financial Support to Innovation: the Role of European Development Financial Institutions
WP09/2020 Alessandro PASSARO, Filippo RANDELLI
The Role of Meso-spaces for the Sustainable Transformation of Food Systems
WP08/2020 Mario BIGGERI, Alessandro CARRARO, Federico CIANI, Donato ROMANO
Disentangling the Impact of a Multiple-Component Project on SDG Dimensions: The Case of Durum Wheat Value Chain Development in Oromia (Ethiopia)
Strategie di Innovazione, Bellezza Organizzativa e Territoriale, ed Integrazione Sociale per un'Area Metropolitana Sostenibile - La Costituzione di un quadro per l'analisi e l'azione
WP06/2020 Elias CARRONI, Giuseppe PIGNATARO, Alessandro TAMPIERI
Recommendation Service as a Coordination Device among Peers
WP05/2020 Paolo BRUNORI, Giuliano RESCE
Searching for the peak Google Trends and the Covid-19 outbreak in Italy
WP04/2020 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Giulio CIFARELLI
Structural Interdependence of Price and Demand in a Model of the Foreign Exchange Market with Heterogeneous Speculators: Evidence from High-frequency Data
WP03/2020 Rym AYADI, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI, Chahir ZAKI
Global Value Chains and the Productivity of Firms in MENA countries: Does Connectivity Matter?
The Evolution of Inequality of Opportunity in Germany: A Machine Learning Approach
WP01/2020 Paolo BRUNORI, Caterina Francesca GUIDI, Alain Trannoy
Ranking populations in terms of inequality of health opportunity: A flexible latent type approach
(Health Economics, 2020.)
WP33/2019 Alessandro PETRETTO
Budget rules with a public debt reduction target
WP32/2019 Vinicio GUIDI
Il Modello Stocastico di Crescita con particolare riguardo al consumo
WP31/2019 Luciano SEGRETO
Corporate Governance. Why, When, and How?
WP30/2019 Luciano SEGRETO
The Nationality of an International Company vs. the National Interest.
Shareholders, Managers, Governments, and the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (1876-1939)
WP29/2019 Federico ETRO, Elena STEPANOVA
On the Efficiency of Art Markets Evidence on Return Rates from Old Masters Paintings to Contemporary Art
WP28/2019 Stefano CLÒ, Massimo FLORIO, Francesco RENTOCCHINI
Firm Ownership, Quality of Government and Innovation
(Research Policy, 2020, 49(5), 103960.)
WP27/2019 Carmen HERRERO, Antonio VILLAR
The Impact of the Crisis on the Labour Market:a new Appraisal
WP26/2019 Alessandro TAMPIERI
University Admission:Is Achievement a Sufficient Criterion?
WP25/2019 Niccolò ZACCARIA
Does Money Illusion Matter? A Theoretical and Computational Model
WP24/2019 Filippo GUSELLA
Modelling Minskyan financial cycles with Fundamentalist and Extrapolative Price Strategies: An Empirical Analysis via the Kalman Filter Approach
WP23/2019 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
A Theory of why Potentially Favourable Political and Economic Changes may lead to Mortality Crises
WP22/2019 Federico ETRO, Silvia MARCHESI, Elena STEPANOVA
Liberalizing Art. Evidence on the Impressionists at the end of the Paris Salon
(European Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 62, 101857.)
WP21/2019 Alessandro CARRARO, Lucia FERRONE
Feed Thy Neighbour: how Social Ties shape Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers on Food Security and Nutrition
WP20/2019 Rossella BARDAZZI, Maria Grazia PAZIENZA
When I was your age...Population Dynamics andHousehold Energy Consumption
(Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 70, December 2020, 101611)
WP19/2019 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO
Heterogeneous Capital Tax Competition in a Federation with Tax Evasion
WP18/2019 Nicola DONI, Domenico MENICUCCI
On the Optimal Entry Fee and Reserve Price for Auctions with Selective Entry: A Comment on Gentry, Li, Lu (2017)
(Games and Economic Behaviour, 2020, 120, pp. 58-66.)
WP17/2019 Paolo BERTOLETTI, Federico ETRO
Monopolistic Competition with GAS Preferences
(Oxford Economic Papers, 2020.)
WP16/2019 Federico INNOCENTI, Domenico MENICUCCI
On Individual Incentives to Bundle in Oligopoly
WP15/2019 Federico ETRO
Mergers of Complements and Entry in Innovative Industries
(International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 65, pp. 302-326.)
WP14/2019 Lucia GORJON, Sara DE LA RICA, Antonio VILLAR
The Social Cost of Unemployment in Spain: Who Are the Losers?
WP13/2019 Diletta LENZI, Andrea ZORZI
The Human-Centred Business Model and Hybrid Business Forms: A Primer and a Roadmap
(Banca, Impresa e Società, 2020, 3, pp. 415-460.)
WP12/2019 Michele Gori
Manipulation of Social Choice Functions under Incomplete Information
(Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 129, pp. 350-369, 2021)
WP11/2019 Alessandro Cigno, Alessandro Gioffré, Annalisa Luporini
On the Evolution of Individual Preferences and Family Rules
(Review of Economics of the Household, 2020.)
WP10/2019 Stefania Camoletto and Marco Bellandi
A Communitarian Definition of Shared Value Rooted in Local Development Studies and in the Olivettian Experience
WP09/2019 Federico Etro
Monopolistic Competition for the Market with Heterogeneous Firms and Schumpeterian Growth
(Economic Letters, 2019, 179, pp. 9-12.)
WP08/2019 Federico Etro
The Romer Model with Monopolistic Competition and General Technology
(Economic Letters, 2019, 181, pp. 1-6.)
WP07/2019 Kaku Attah Damoah, Giorgia Giovannetti, Enrico Marvasi
Global Value Chain Trade along the Belt and Road and Projects Allocation
WP06/2019 Barbara Annicchiarico, Enrico Marvasi
Protection for Sale with Price Interactions and Incomplete Pass-Through
(European Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 60, 101802.)
WP05/2019 Giorgia Giovannetti, Elena Perra
Syria in the Dark: Estimating the Economic Consequences of the Civil War through Satellite-Derived Night-Time Lights
WP04/2019 Elena M. Parilina, Alessandro Tampieri
Marriage Formation with Random or Assortative Meeting
WP03/2019 Pierre M. Picard, Alessandro Tampieri
Trade and Vertical Differentiation
(Economic Theory, 2020.)
WP02/2019 Juan Manuel Sanchez-Cartas
Intellectual Property and Taxation in Digital Platforms
(Journal of Economics, 2020.)
WP01/2019 Leonardo BARGIGLI
A Model of Market Making with Heterogeneous Speculators
(Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2021, 16, pp. 1-28.)
WP31/2018 Paolo BERTOLETTI, Federico ETRO
Monopolistic Competition, As You Like It
WP30/2018 Lilia CAVALLARI, Federico ETRO
Demand, Markups and the Business Cycle
(European Economic Review, 2020, 127, 103471.)
WP29/2018 Maria MARINO, Benedetto ROCCHI, Simone SEVERINI
The Farm Income Problem in the European Union: a Research Framework and a Longitudinal Empirical Evaluation
WP28/2018 Sara BURRONE, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI
Does Child Labor Lead to Vulnerable Employment in Adulthood? Evidence for Tanzania
(Journal of Development Studies, 2020, 56, pp. 2235-2250.)
WP27/2018 Giulia DE MASI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
EU FDI Network and Systemic Risks
(Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2020, 15, pp. 133-158..)
WP26/2018 Andrea GREPPI, Domenico MENICUCCI
On Bundling and Entry Deterrence
(Review of Industrial Organization, 2020..)
WP25/2018 Federico ETRO
Macroeconomics with Endogenous Markups and Optimal Taxation
(Southern Economic Journal, 2018, 85(2), pp. 378-406.)
WP24/2018 Alessandro BALESTRINO, Lisa GRAZZINI, Annalisa LUPORINI
On the Political Economy of Compulsory Education
WP23/2018 Benedetto ROCCHI, Donato ROMANO, Ahmad SADIDDIN, Gianluca STEFANI
An Assessment of Agro-food Frauds in the Italian Economy: A SAM-based Approach
(Agribusiness: an International Journal, 2020, 36(2), pp. 167-191.)
WP22/2018 Ahmad SADIDDIN, Donato ROMANO, Raffaella ZUCARO, Veronica MANGANIELLO
Frauds in the Italian Agro-Food Sector: An Introduction
WP21/2018 Elena M. PARILINA and Alessandro TAMPIERI
A Prisoners' Dilemma with Incomplete Information on the Discount Factors
WP20/2018 Federico ETRO, Elena STEPANOVA
Power Laws in Art. From Renaissance to Contemporary Art
(Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 506, pp. 217-220.)
WP19/2018 Federico ETRO
The Economics of Renaissance Art
(The Journal of Economic History, 2018, 78(2), pp. 500-538.)
WP18/2018 Marco BELLANDI, Monica PLECHERO, Erica SANTINI
Oligarchic Place Leadership and Resistance to Change in Industrial Districts
WP17/2018 Alessandro TAMPIERI,
The Effects of Educational Assortative Matching on Job and Marital Satisfaction
WP16/2018 Kaku Attah DAMOAH, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Marco SANFILIPPO
Markups Dispersion and Firm Entry: Evidence from Ethiopia
(Oxford Bulletin of Economic and Statistics, 2020.)
WP15/2018 Ginevra Virginia LOMBARDI, Rossella ATZORI, Stefano BENEDETTELLI,
Organic and Conventional Agriculture Land Food Footprint and Diet Nexus: the Case Study of Tuscany, Italy
WP14/2018 Gabriele FIORENTINI, Alessandro GALESI, Gabriel PÈREZ-QUIRÒS, Enrique SENTANA
The Rise and Fall of the Natural Interest Rate
WP13/2018 Niccolò BELLANCA, Mauro MALTAGLIATI, Benedetto ROCCHI
Il Tempo Condiviso in Italia
WP12/2018 Gabriele CAMERA, Alessandro GIOFFRÉ
Beyond Grim: Punishment Norms in the Theory of Cooperation
WP11/2018 Alessandro PETRETTO
Dalla Legge Delega 42/2009 al nuovo centralismo: quali prospettive per il Federalismo fiscale in Italia?
WP10/2018 Ginevra Virginia LOMBARDI, Rossella ATZORI
Agricultural Landscape Change and Land Footprint from 1970 to 2010: the Case
Study of Sardinia, Italy
(Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 239(1), 118097.)
WP09/2018 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
Eradicating Poverty by 2030: Implications for Income Inequality, Population Policies, Food Prices (and Faster Growth?)
(Journal of Globalization and Development, 2018, 9(2), 20180023.)
Preferences for Public Education Spending in Hierarchical Education Systems: Theory and Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries
(Economic Modelling, 2019, 82, pp. 211-228..)
WP07/2018 Alessandro TAMPIERI, Elena M. PARILINA
Plenty of Fish in the Sea: Divorce Choice and the Quality of Singles
W06/2018 Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, Chiara RAPALLINI,
Parental Occupation and Children's School Outcomes in Math
(Research in Economics, 2019, 73(4), pp. 293-303.)
WP05/2018 Stefano COLONNELLO, Giuliano CURATOLA, Alessandro GIOFFRÉ
Pricing Sin Stocks: Ethical Preference vs. Risk Aversion
(European Economic Review, 2019, 118, pp. 69-100.)
WP04/2018 Lorenzo CORSINI, Filippo RANDELLI, Benedetto ROCCHI, Stefania GIAMPAOLO
Direct Selling and Alternative Evolutionary Patterns in the Italian Agri-food Systems
WP03/2018 Cristina CIRILLO, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI
The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Households Investments in Productive Assets and Activities:Evidence from the Juntos Programme in Peru
WP02/2018 Filippo RANDELLI, Federico MARTELLOZZO
The Impact of Rural Tourism on Land Use. The Case of Tuscany
(Land Use Policy, 2019, 86, pp. 387-398.)
WP01/2018 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO
Sovereign - Bank Risk Interconnections during the Greek Financial Crisis and the Role of the Italian Debt
(International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 2018, 8(4), pp. 115-138.)
WP18/2017 Paolo BRUNORI, Paul HUFE, Daniel Gerszon MAHLER,
The Roots of Inequality:Estimating Inequality of Opportunity from Regression Trees
WP17/2017 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Bruno MARTORANO
The Dynamics of Income Inequality in a Dualistic Economy: Malawi from 1990 to 2011
WP16/2017 Giulio CIFARELLI, Paolo PAESANI
On the Difficulty of Interpreting Market Behavior in an Uncertain World: the Case of Oil Futures Pricing between 2003 and 2016
WP15/2017 Kaku Attah DAMOAH
Markups, Market Imperfections and Trade Openness: Evidence from Ghana
(The World Bank Economic Review, 2019.)
WP14/2017 Lorenzo CEI, Gianluca STEFANI, Edi DEFRANCESCO, Ginevra Virginia LOMBARDI
Geographical Indications: a First Assessment of the Impact on Rural Development in Italian NUTS3 Regions
(Land Use Policy, 2018, 75, pp. 620-630.)
WP13/2017 Donato ROMANO, Gianluca STEFANI, Benedetto ROCCHI , Ciro Fiorillo
The Impact of Assistance on Poverty and Food Security in a Protracted Conflict Context: the Case of West Bank and Gaza Strip
(Bio-based and Applied Economics, 2019, 8(1), pp. 21-61.)
WP12/2017 Donato ROMANO, Silvio TRAVERSO,
Disentangling the Effect of International Migration on Household Food and Nutrition Security
(European Journal of Development Research, 2020, 32, pp. 783-811.)
WP11/2017 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
Can the Interaction between a Single Long-Term Attractor and Heterogeneous
Trading Explain the Exchange Rate Conundrum?
(Research in International Business and Finance, 2018, 46, pp. 313-323.)
WP10/2017 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
Changes in Income, Education and Health Inequality over the last 20 Years: Evidence from Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
WP09/2017 Elias CARRONI, Luca FERRARI, Simone RIGHI
Privacy and Persuasion: Are We Getting the Best Deal?
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, 164, pp. 317-330.)
WP08/2017 Marco LE MOGLIE, Letizia MENCARINI, Chiara RAPALLINI
Do Rich Parents Enjoy Children Less?
(Journal of Population Economics, 2019, 32(3), pp. 915-952.)
WP07/2017 Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, Chiara RAPALLINI
The Intergenerational Transmission of Math Culture
WP06/2017 Luca Ferrari
Endogenous Public Evidence in Committee Persuasion Games and Private Communication
WP05/2017 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Bruno MARTORANO
Building the Integrated Inequality Database and the Seven Sins of Inequality Measurement in Sub-Saharan Africa
WP04/2017 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA
An Econometric Analysis of the Bifurcation of Within-country Inequality Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990–2011
WP03/2017 Marco BELLANDI, Annalisa CALOFFI
Combining Universities Third Mission and Place-based Industrial Development
Upward and Downward Bias when Measuring Inequality of Opportunity
(Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, 52(4), pp. 635-661.)
WP01/2017 Rossella BARDAZZI, Leonardo GHEZZI
International Competitiveness and Investment: Simulations with a Bilateral Trade Model
(Economic Systems Research, 2018, 30(4), pp. 497-520.)
WP17/2016 Gianluca SEFANI, Ginevra LOMBARDI, Donato ROMANO,
Grass Root Collective Action for Territorially Integrated Food Supply Chain: A Case Study from Tuscany
(International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 2017, 8(4), pp. 347-362.)
WP16/2016 Daniela CAMPUS, Gianna GIANNELLI,
Is the Allocation of Time Gender Sensitive to Food Price Changes? An Investigation of Hours of Work in Uganda
WP15/2016 Lisa GRAZZINI,
The Importance of the Quality of Education: Some Determinants and its Effects on Earning Returns and Economic Growth
(Economia Pubblica, 2016, 2, pp. 43-82.)
WP14/2016 Enric MARVASI, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI,
Positioning and Internalization in Global Value Chains: The Case of Tuscan Firms
WP13/2016 Elisa Cencig, Laura SABANI,
Voting Behaviour in the European Parliament and Economic Governance Reform: Does Nationality Matter?
(Open Economies Review, 2017, 28(5), pp. 967-987.)
WP12/2016 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Antonio SCOGNAMILLO,
Clusters of Least Developed Countries, Their Evolution between 1993 and 2013, and Policies to Expand Their Productive Capacity
WP11/2016 Ennio BILANCINI, Leonardo BONCINELLI,
The Evolution of Conventions under Condition-Dependent Mistakes
(Economic Theory, 2020, 69, pp. 497-521..)
WP10/2016 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
The Impact of Unconventional Monetary Policy on the Sovereign Bank Nexus within and across EU Countries. A Time-Varying Conditional Correlation Analysis
WP09/2016 Nicolò BELLANCA, Benedetto ROCCHI,
Shared and Relational Activities in Rural Commonality: Towards a non-Individualistic Conception of Well-Being
WP08/2016 Nicolò BELLANCA, Benedetto ROCCHI,
Toward a Diachronic Conception of Well-Being: Thoughts from Georgescu-Roegen
WP07/2016 Davide DEL PRETE, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI,
Global Value Chains: New Evidence for North Africa
(International Economics, 2018, 153, pp. 42-54.)
WP06/2016 Patricia JUSTINO, Bruno MARTORANO,
Inequality, Distributive Beliefs and Protests: A Recent Story from Latin America
(Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2019, 63(9), pp. 2128-2154..)
WP05/2016 Silvio TRAVERSO
Heterogeneous Effects of International Migration: Evidences from Bangladesh
(International Migration Review, 2019, 57(5), pp. 121-141..)
WP04/2016 Alessandro CIGNO, Mizuki KOMURA, Annalisa LUPORINI
Self-Enforcing Family Rules, Marriage and the (Non)Neutrality of Public Intervention
(Journal of Population Economics, 2017, 30(3), pp. 805-834.)
WP03/2016 Daniela CAMPUS
Does Land Titling Promote Women's Empowerment? Evidence from Nepal
WP02/2016 Paola BIASI, Benedetto ROCCHI
The Genuine Saving: Estimates at the Subnational Level in Italy
WP01/2016 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Luca RICCETTI, Alberto RUSSO, Mauro GALLEGATI
Network Calibration and Metamodeling of a Financial Accelerator Agent Based Model
(Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2020, 15, pp. 413-440..)
WP14/2015 Rossella BARDAZZI, Silvia DURANTI
Atypical Work: a Threat to Labour Productivity Growth? Some Evidence from Italy
(International Review of Applied Economics, 2016, 30(5), pp. 620-643.)
WP13/2015 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
The Heterogeneity of Foreign Direct Investors: Linking Affiliates to Parent Productivity
(Italian Economic Journal, 2019, 5(3), pp. 369-402.)
WP12/2015 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Margherita VELUCCHI
Survive or Die? A Decade of Tough Competition for Foreign Affiliates
(Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2017, 40, pp. 64-71.)
WP11/2015 Davide DEL PRETE, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI
Participation in Global Value Chains: Macro and Micro Evidence for North Africa
(Review of the World economy, 2017, 153(4), pp 675–701.)
WP10/2015 Alessandro PETRETTO
L'Analisi Economica del Procedimento Amministrativo
WP09/2015 Antonio SCOGNAMILLO
Inequality Indebtedness and Financial Crises
WP08/2015 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO
Spillover Effects in a Federal Country with Vertical Tax Externalities
(Public Finance Review, 2017, 45(5), pp. 701-720.)
WP07/2015 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Marco SANFILIPPO, Margherita VELUCCHI
Diverse Twins: the Impact of China on Italian and German Manufacturing Exports
(Applied Economics, 2017, 50(28), pp. 3051-3065.)
WP06/2015 Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, Chiara RAPALLINI
Immigrant Student Performance in Math: Does it Matter Where You Come From?
(Economics of Education Review, 2016, 52, pp. 291-304.)
WP05/2015 Fabrizio CIPOLLINI, Camilla FERRETTI, Piero CANUGI, Renato GIANNETTI
Could They Grow Faster? An Explorative and Counterfactual Exercise of the Firms’ Core during the Golden Age in Italy
WP04/2015 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Enrico MARVASI
Food Exporters in Global Value Chains: Food for Thought
(Food Policy, 2016, 59, pp. 110-125.)
WP03/2015 Roberto IACONO
No Blessing, No Curse? On the Benefits of Being a Resource-rich Southern Region of Italy
(Research in Economics, 2016, 70(2), pp. 346-359.)
WP02/2015 Filippo RANDELLI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI
The Survival of Tuscan Firms
WP01/2015 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Renato GIANNETTI
The Italian Corporate System: SOEs, Private Firms and Institutions in a Network Perspective (1952-1983)
(Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 494, pp. 367-379.)
WP28/2014 Sebastiano NEROZZI, Vito PIPITONE, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
Social Capital and Firm’s Productivity in Italy: a Multilevel Approach
WP27/2014 Lucia FERRONE, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI,
Household Migration and Children's Educational Attainment. The case of Uganda
WP26/2014 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
Uzbekistan’s Development Strategies: Past Record and Long-term Options
WP25/2014 Federico CIANI, Joseph HUGGARD,Thomas ZERVAS,
The Resilience of Bergamot Farmers in the Reggio Calabria Province of Southern Italy
(Regions Magazine, 2016, 302(1), pp. 23-25.)
WP24/2014 Daniela MONACELLI, Maria Grazia PAZIENZA, Chiara RAPALLINI,
Municipality Budget Rules and Debt: is the Italian Regulation Effective?
(Public Budgeting and Finance, 2016, 36(3), pp. 114-140.)
WP23/2014 Eleonora BERTONI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
A Multilevel Analysis of the Unemployment in Egypt
(Labour, 2017, 31(4), pp. 494-514.)
WP22/2014 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
One size does not fit all. A non-linear analysis of European monetary transmission
(International Review of Economics and Finance, 2016, 45, pp. 247-262.)
WP21/2014 Alessandro PETRETTO,
The Modern Theory of Regulation as an Inheritance of De Viti de Marco’s Cooperative State
(History of Economic Thought and Policy, 2014, 2, pp. 29-47.)
WP20/2014 Marco LE MOGLIE, Letizia MENCARINI, Chiara RAPALLINI,
Is It Just a Matter of Personality? On the Role of Life Satisfaction in Childbearing Behavior
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, 117, pp. 453-475.)
WP19/2014 Simona DE ROSA, Filippo RANDELLI, Luca SALVATI,
Beyond the North-South Divide. The Geography of Strategic Alliances in Italy
(Romanian Journal of Regional Science, 2016, 10(2), pp. 15-34.)
WP18/2014 Sudhanshu HANDA, Bruno MARTORANO, Carolyn HALPERN, Audrey PETTIFOR, Harsha THIRUMURTHY,
Time Discounting and Credit Market Access in a Large Scale Cash Transfer Program
(Journal of African Economies, 2016, 25(3), pp. 367-387.)
WP17/2014 Alessandra AMENDOLA, Vincenzo CANDILA, Antonio SCOGNAMILLO,
Does U.S. Monetary Policy Affect Crude Oil Future Price Volatility? An Empirical Investigation
(Empirical Economics, 2017, 52(1), pp. 155-178.)
WP16/2014 Alessandro CARRARO, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
Heterogeneous Fundamentalists and Market Maker Inventories
(Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2015, 79, pp. 73-82.)
WP15/2014 Michele GORI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
A Dynamic Exchange Rate Model with Heterogeneous Agents
(Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2018, 28(2), pp. 399-415.)
WP14/2014 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
Income inequality in Latin America: Recent Decline and Prospects for its Further Reduction
WP13/2014 Cosma ORSI,
The Political Economy of the Poor: The Rise and Fall of the Workhouse System
(Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2017, 39(4), pp. 453-481.)
WP12/2014 Vincenzo PATRIZII, Anna PETTINI, Giuliano RESCE,
Efficienza e Qualità della Vita
(Social Indicator Research, 2017, 133(3), pp. 985-1010.)
WP11/2014 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Mauro LANATI,
The Impact of Product Quality on the Pro-Trade Elasticity of Immigrants
(The World Economy, 2017, 40(7), pp. 1345-1380.)
Areeda-Turner in Two-Sided Markets
(Review of Industrial Organization, 2015, 46(3), pp 287-306.)
Structural Change and Wage Inequality in the Manufacturing Sector: Long Run Evidence from East Asia
(Oxford Development Studies, 2015, 43(2), pp. 212-231.)
WP08/2014 Rossella BARDAZZI, Filippo OROPALLO, Maria Grazia PAZIENZA,
Do Manufacturing Firms React to Energy Prices? Evidence from Italy
(Energy Economics, 2015, 49, pp.168-181.)
WP07/2014 Bruno MARTORANO,
From Volatility to Stabilization: Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in Latin America over the Last Decades
(Review of Development Economics, 2018, 22(1), pp. 67-90.)
WP06/2014 Giuliano RESCE,
Eco-Efficienza con Data Envelopment Analysis
WP05/2014 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Vulnerabili e appassionati. Sui fondamenti antropologici della scienza economica
(La società degli individui, 2014, 50, pp. 133-146.)
WP04/2014 Ennio BILANCINI, Leonardo BONCINELLI,
Persuasion with Reference Cues and Elaboration Costs
(Journal of Economic Psychology, 2018, 65, pp. 90-107.)
WP03/2014 Alessandro INNOCENTI, Francesca LORINI, Chiara RAPALLINI,
Ethnic Heterogeneity, Voting Partecipation and Local Economic Growth. The Case of Belgium
WP02/2014 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Compravendita o Donazione di Parti del Corpo Umano? Il Contributo di Alvin Roth e Dintorni
(Jura Gentium, 2016, 13, pp. 100-115.)
Faithful Strategies: How Religion Shapes Nonprofit Management
(Management Science, 2019, 65(1).)
WP31/2013 Niccolò BELLANCA, Stefania INNOCENTI,
Resistance to Change in Recent Italy: Some Elements for a Theoretical Framework
Supply Chains and the Internalization of SMEs: Evidence from Italy
(Small Business Economics, 2015, 44(4), pp 845-865.)
WP29/2013 Gianluca STEFANI, Marco TIBERTI,
Textbook Estimators of Multiperiod Optimal Hedging Ratios: Methodological Aspects and Application to the European Wheat Market
(European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2016, 43(3), pp. 503-531.)
WP28/2013 Benedetto ROCCHI,
Produzione Agricola e Beni Relazionali
(Rivista di Economia Agraria, 2013, 3, pp.7-25.)
WP27/2013 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Elisa TICCI,
Biofuel Development and Large-Scale Land Deals in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 54, pp. 678-687.)
WP26/2013 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Giovanni DI IASIO, Luigi INFANTE, Fabrizio LILLO, Federico PIEROBON,
The Multiplex Structure of Interbank Networks
(Quantitative Finance, 2015, 15(4) pp. 673-691.)
WP25/2013 Leonardo BARGIGLI,
Statistical Equilibrium Models for Sparse Economic Networks
(Journal of Statistical Physics, 2014, 155(4), pp 810-825.)
WP24/2013 Gianluca STEFANI, Donato ROMANO,
Modelli di Trasmissione del Prezzo nei Mercati della Filiera del Grano Duro
WP23/2013 Leonardo BARGIGLI, Andrea LIONETTO, Stefano VIAGGIU,
A Statistical Equilibrium Representation of Markets as Complex Networks
(Journal of Statistical Physics, 2016, 165(2), pp. 351-370.)
WP22/2013 Alessandro PETRETTO,
L’Analisi Economica del Diritto in Recenti Sentenze della Corte Costituzionale sulle Controversie Stato-Regioni
WP21/2013 Lorenzo CORSINI,
A Comparative Analysis on the Relationship between Benefits Generosity, Search Requirements and Unemployment Duration
WP20/2013 Silvia MARCHESI, Laura SABANI,
Does it Take two to Tango? Improving Cooperation between the IMF and the World Bank: Theory and Empirical Evidence
WP19/2013 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Health and Education: Challenges and Financial Constraints
(Italian Antitrust Review, 2014, 1(2), pp. 91-116.)
W18/2013 Alessandro BALESTRINO, Lisa GRAZZINI, Annalisa LUPORINI,
A Normative Justification of Compulsory Education
(Journal of Population Economics, 2017, 30(2), PP. 537-567.)
Sulle Possibili Strategie di Uscita dalla Crisi
(Jura Gentium, 2013, 10(2).)
WP16/2013 Nicolò BELLANCA, Hervé BARON,
Il Problema del Tempo Libero nell'Ambito della Civiltà del Capitale
(in Pettini A. e Ventura A. (a cura di), Quale crescita. La teoria economica alla prova della crisi, l’Asino d’Oro Edizioni, Roma, 2014, pp. 138-162.)
WP15/2013 Alessandro CIGNO, Annalisa LUPORINI,
Student Loans and the Allocation of Graduate Job
(Canadian Journal of Economics, 52(1), pp. 339-378.)
WP14/2013 Filippo RANDELLI,
The Role of Consumers in the Transition Towards Sustainability. The Case of Food Supply
(International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 2015, 3(4), pp. 15-26.)
WP13/2013 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Bruno MARTORANO,
Development Policies and Income Inequality in Selected Developing Regions, 1980-2010
WP12/2013 Nicolò BELLANCA, Giancarlo PICHILLO,
Identitarian Passions: The Overwhelming Power of the Human Recognition Need
(International Review of Economics, 2014, 61(1), pp. 13-38.)
WP11/2013 Enrico MARVASI,
Protection for Sale, Monopolistic Competition and Variable Markups
WP10/2013 Nicolò BELLANCA, Stefania INNOCENTI,
Not-Dividing the Indivisible: Formation of the Sacred and Antagonistic Conflicts
(in Bellanca N., From Homo Oeconomicus to Homo Symbolicus, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2014,pp. 39-62.)
WP09/2013 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Elisa TICCI,
Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Drivers and the Challenge of the Land-Energy Nexus
(QA-Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi Doria, 2013, 2, pp. 57-86.)
WP08/2013 Nicolò BELLANCA, Mario BIGGERI,
Capabilities and Human Dilemmas: How to Cope with Incompleteness
Nonprofits are not alike: The Role of Catholic and Protestant Affiliation
WP06/2013 Nicolò BELLANCA,
For a Theory of Social Enterprise and Social Finance
Market Definition in Two-Sided Markets: Theory and Practice
(Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2014, 10(2), pp. 293-339.)
WP04/2013 Giulio CIFARELLI, Paolo PAESANI,
Speculative Cotton Pricing in the 1920s. A Nonlinear Tale of Noise Traders and Fundamentalists
(Cliometrica, 2016, 10(1), pp. 31-54.)
WP03/2013 Ahmad NAIMZADA, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
Complexity with Heterogeneous Fundamentalists and a Multiplicative Price Mechanism
(Economic Notes, 2014, 43(3), pp. 233-247.)
China's Competition and the Export Price Strategies of Developed Countries
(International Review of Applied Economics, 2016, 30(2), pp. 238-254.)
WP01/2013 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Federalism with Bicameralism
(German Economic Review, 2015, 16(2), pp.138-160.)
WP28/2012 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Per un'Interpretazione del Dualismo Italiano: Complementarità Istituzionale o Isteresi Congiunturale?
(Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno, 2012, 26(4), pp. 923-948.)
WP27/2012 Giuseppe COCO, David DE MEZA, Giuseppe PIGNATARO, Francesco REITO,
Take the Money and Run: Making Profits by Paying Borrowers to Stay Home
WP26/2012 Vittorio Emanuele FERRANTE,
Cooperation and Endogenous Identity
WP25/2012 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
The New Structuralist Macroeconomics and Income Inequality
(in Cornia G.A. and F. Stewart (Eds), Towards Human Development: New Approaches to Macroeconomics and Inequality, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, ch. 9.)
WP24/2012 Sara BONFANTI, Madelene NORDLUNG,
Does ‘Swedish For Immigrants' (SFI) Matter? A Longitudinal Assessment of the Impact of SFI on Migrants' Position in the Swedish Labour Market.
WP23/2012 Bruno MARTORANO, Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Frances STEWART,
Human Development and Fiscal Policy: Comparing the Crises of 1982-85 and 2008-11
(in Cornia G.A. and F. Stewart (Eds), Towards Human Development: New Approaches to Macroeconomics and Inequality, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, ch. 11.)
WP22/2012 Elisa TICCI and Javier ESCOBAL,
Extractive Industries and Local Development in the Peruvian Highlands
(Environment and Development Economics, 2015, 20(1), pp. 101-126.)
WP21/2012 Matteo ARIA, Nicolò BELLANCA,
The Four Figures of Gift: kula, potlatch, dan e hau
(in Bellanca N., From Homo Oeconomicus to Homo Symbolicus, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2014, pp. 63-85.)
WP20/2012 Matteo ARIA, Nicolò BELLANCA,
The Polytheistic Condition: Incomparable Assets and Special Currency
(in Bellanca N., From Homo Oeconomicus to Homo Symbolicus, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2014, pp. 11-38.)
WP19/2012 Benedetto ROCCHI, Donato ROMANO, Raid HAMZA,
Agriculture Reform and Food Crisis in Syria: Impacts on Poverty and Inequality
(Food Policy, 2013, 43, pp. 190-203.)
WP18/2012 Gianluca STEFANI, Benedetto ROCCHI, Donato ROMANO,
Does Agriculture Matter? Revisiting the Farm Income Problem in Italy
WP17/2012 Mauro LOMBARDI, Filippo RANDELLI,
The Role of Leading Firms in the Evolution of SMEs Clusters: Evidence from the Leather Products Cluster in Florence
(European Planning Studies, 2014, 22(6), pp. 1199-1211.)
WP16/2012 Lapo FILISTRUCCHI, Fatih Cemil OZBUGDAY,
Mandatory Quality Disclosure and Quality Supply: Evidence from German Hospitals
WP15/2012 Pauline AFFELDT, Lapo FILISTRUCCHI, Tobias J. KLEIN,
Upward Pricing Pressure in Two-Sided Markets
(The Economic Journal, 2013, 123(572), pp. 505-523.)
WP14/2012 Angelo ANTOCI, Marcello GALEOTTI, Paolo RUSSU,
Global Analysis and Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Growth Model with Human Capital
(International Journal of Economic Theory, 2014, 10(4), pp. 313-338.)
WP13/2012 Alessandro PETRETTO,
Costituzionalizzazione dell'Equilibrio di Bilancio, Stabilità e Crescita Economica
(in Bifulco R. e Roselli O. (a cura di), Crisi Economica e Trasformazione della Dimensione Giuridica, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2013, pp. 207-229.)
WP12/2012 Giulio CIFARELLI, Paolo PAESANI,
An Assessment of the Theory of Storage: Has the Relationship between Commodity Price Volatility and Market Fundamentals Changed Over Time?
WP11/2012 Alessandro PETRETTO,
The Theory of Multiple Public Budget Determination from the Perspective of History of Economic Analysis
WP10/2012 Emanuela DELBUFALO,
Subjective Trust, Perceived Risk and Exchange Performance in Buyer-Supplier Relationships
(Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2015, 31(1), pp. 84-101.)
WP09/2012 Vito PIPITONE, Luciano SETA,
The Conditional Convergence in TFP Levels. On the Relationship between TFP, Processes of Accumulation and Institutions
(International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(4), pp. 347-357.)
WP08/2012 Michele BINCI, Gianna GIANNELLI,
Internal vs. International Migration: Impacts of Remittances on Child Well-Being in Vietnam
(International Migration Review, 2018, 52(1), pp. 43-65.)
Collusion and the Political Differentiation of Newspapers
WP06/2012 Bruno MARTORANO,
The Impact of Uruguay's 2007 Tax Reform on Equity and Efficiency
(Development Policy Review, 2014, 32(6), pp. 701-714.)
WP05/2012 Vittorio Emanuele FERRANTE,
Incomplete Altruistic Preferences
WP04/2012 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Laura DEOTTI, Maria SASSI,
Food Price Volatility over the Last Decade in Niger and Malawi: Extent, Sources and Impact on Child Malnutrition
(Food Policy, 2016, 60, pp. 20-30.)
WP03/2012 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Juan Carlos GOMEZ-SABAINI e Bruno MARTORANO,
A New Fiscal Pact, Tax Policy Changes and Income Inequality
(in Cornia, G.A. (Ed.), Falling Inequality in Latin America: Policy changes and Lessons, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, pp. 295-317.)
WP02/2012 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
Inequality Trends and their Determinants: Latin America over 1990-2010
(in Cornia, G.A. (Ed.), Falling Inequality in Latin America: Policy changes and Lessons, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, pp. 23-48.)
Identifying Two-Sided Markets
(World Competition, 2013, 36(1), pp. 33-59.)
WP19/2011 Federico CIANI e Gianna GIANNELLI,
Surviving the Genocide: the Impact of the Rwandan Genocide on Infant and Child Mortality
WP18/2011 Mario BIGGERI, Jean-Francois TRANI, Vincenzo MAURO,
Child Poverty Measurement: the Case of Afghanistan
(Social Indicators Research, 2013, 112(2), pp. 391-416.)
WP17/2011 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Marco SANFILIPPO, Margherita VELUCCHI,
The "China effect" on EU Exports to OECD markets - A Focus on Italy
(in Gomel G., D. Marconi, I. Musu, and B. Quintieri, (eds), The Chinese Economy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 163-180.)
WP16/2011 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Earmarked Taxation for Financing Public Investments Projects
(in M. Nicolai (a cura di) Primo Rapporto sulla Finanza Pubblica. Finanza Pubblica e Federalismo, Maggioli Editore, Rimini, 2012, pp. 515-537.)
Assessing Unilateral Merger Effects in a Two-Sided Market: An Application to the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market
(Journal of Competition, Law and Economics, 2012, 8(2), pp. 297-329.)
WP14/2011 Nicola DONI, Domenico MENICUCCI,
Information Revelation in Procurement Auctions with Two-Sided Asymmetric Information
(Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2014, 23(4), pp. 952-968.)
WP13/2011 Giulio CIFARELLI,
Nonlinear Regime Shifts in Oil Price Hedging Dynamics
(Energy Economics, 2013, 38, pp. 160-167.)
WP12/2011 Massimo ARMENISE, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Gianluca SANTONI,
FDI in Business Services has General TFP Effects : Evidence from Italy
(in Mussidda C., F. Pastore. (eds) Geographical Labor Market Imbalances: Recent Explanations and Cures, Springer International Publishing, London, 2015, pp. 195-218.)
WP11/2011 Filippo RANDELLI, Patrizia ROMEI, Marco TORTORA, Maria TINACCI MOSSELLO,
Rural Tourism Driving Regional Development in Tuscany. The Renaissance of the Countryside
(Land Use Policy, 2014, 38, pp. 276-281.)
WP10/2011 Francesca FRANCAVILLA, Gianna C. GIANNELLI,
Does Family Planning Help the Employment of Women? The Case of India
(Journal of Asian Economics, 2011, 22(6), pp. 412-426.)
WP 09/2011 Michele GORI, Vinicio GUIDI,
Rhetoric and Conceptual Problems in Economics: the Case of General Equilibrium Theory
WP 08/2011 Nicola DONI, Domenico MENICUCCI,
Revenue Comparison in Asymmetric Auctions with Discrete Valuations
(The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2013, 13(1), pp. 429-461.)
WP 07/2011 Nicola DONI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
Market Equilibrium in the Presence of Green Consumers and Responsible Firms: a Comparative Statics Analysis
(Resource and Energy Economics, 2013, 35(3), pp. 380-395.)
WP 06/2011 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Revenue Equalization Systems in a Federation with Tax Evasion
(FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 2012, 68(3), pp. 303-330.)
WP05/2011 Filippo RANDELLI, Ron BOSCHMA,
Dynamics of Industrial Districts and Business Groups: the Case of the Marche Region
(European Planning Studies, 2012, 20(12), pp. 1961-1974. )
WP04/2011 Domenico COLUCCI, Nicola DONI, Vincenzo VALORI,
Information Disclosure in Procurement Auctions with Horizontally Differentiated Suppliers
(Journal of Economics, 2015, 114(3), pp. 211-238.)
WP03/2011 Francesca FRANCAVILLA, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI,Gabriela GROTKOWSKA, Mieczyslaw W. SOCHA,
Use of Time and Value of Unpaid Family Care Work: Comparison between Italy and Poland
(Applied Economics, 2019, 51(28), pp. 3015-3030.)
WP02/2011 Paolo BALDUZZI, Clara GRAZIANO, Annalisa LUPORINI,
Voting in Corporate Boards with Heterogeneous Preferences
WP01/2011 Paolo BALDUZZI, Clara GRAZIANO, Annalisa LUPORINI,
Voting in Small Committees
(Journal of Economics, 2014, 111(1), pp. 69-95.)
WP18/2010 Michele ALACEVICH, Pier Francesco ASSO, Sebastiano NEROZZI,
Harvard Meets the Crisis: U.S. Fiscal Policy in the 1930s and the Political Economy of Lauchlin B. Currie, Jacob Viner, John H. Williams and Harry D. White
(Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2015, 37(3), pp 387-410.)
WP17/2010 Giulia DE MASI, Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI,
Network Analysis to Detect Common Strategies in the Italian Foreign Direct Investment
(Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2013, 392(5), pp. 1202-1214.)
WP16/2010 Vinicio GUIDI,
Utilità Intertemporale ed Equità fra Generazioni
(in Nerozzi S., G. Ricchiuti (eds), Economia come Teoria della Scelta, Nerbini, Firenze, 2015, pp. 59-84.)
WP15/2010 Mario BIGGERI e Vincenzo MAURO,
Comparing Human Development Patterns Across Countries: Is it possible to Reconcile Multidimensional Measures and Intuitive Appeal?
WP14/2010 Alessandro PETRETTO,
Need Equalization transfers and Productive Efficiency of Local Governments
(Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 2013, 18(1), pp. 25-46.)
WP13/2010 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
Commodity Futures Returns: A Non Linear Markov Regime Switching Model of Hedging and Speculative Pressures
(Journal of Financial Markets, 2015, 25, pp.1-15.)
WP12/2010 Mauro LOMBARDI, Nicolò BELLANCA,
Le Traiettorie Reticolari dell'Innovazione Territoriale
(Sociologia del Lavoro, 2011, 122(6), pp.17-30.)
WP11/2010 Nicolò BELLANCA,
La Salute Globale tra Beni Pubblici, Diritti Collettivi e Capability
(Jura Gentium, 2011, 7(1).)
WP10/2010 Paolo BRUNORI, Patrizia LUONGO,
Fairness in Skill Acquisition
WP09/2010 Alessandro PETRETTO,
On the Fuzzy Boundaries between Public and Private in Health Care Organization and Funding Systems
(Rivista di Politica Economica, 2013, 1-3, pp. 327-370.)
WP08/2010 Filippo RANDELLI,
Open Source GIS Based Strategies for Firms: a Spatial Analysis Application to the Inland Terminal of Livorno
(Journal of GIS Trend, 2012, 3(1), pp. 1-10.)
WP07/2010 Francesca FRANCAVILLA, Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, L. GRILLI,
Mothers' Employment and their Children's Schooling: a Joint Multilevel Analysis for India
(World Development, 2013, 41, pp. 183-195.)
WP06/2010 Gianna Claudia GIANNELLI, Ursula JAENICHEN, Claudia VILLOSIO,
Have Labour Market Reforms at the Turn of the Millennium Changed Job Durations of the New Entrants? A Comparative Study for Germany and Italy
(Journal of Labor Research, 2012, 33(2), pp. 143-172.)
WP05/2010 Clara GRAZIANO, Annalisa LUPORINI,
Optimal Delegation when the Large Shareholder has Multiple Tasks
WP04/2010 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Margherita VELUCCHI,
Heterogeneity in Managerial Strategies and Internationalization of Firms: the Case of Italy
(Economia e Politica Industriale, 2013, 40(2), pp.51-66. )
WP03/2010 Simone BERTOLI,
The Informational Structure of Migration Decision and Migrants' Self-Selection
(Economics Letters, 2010, 108(1), pp. 89-92.)
WP02/2010 Lisa GRAZZINI, Annalisa LUPORINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Competition between State Universities
WP01/2010 Nicola DONI, Domenico MENICUCCI,
A Note on Information Revelation in Procurement Auctions
(Economics Letters, 2010, 108(3), pp. 307-310.)
WP16/2009 Giovanni Andrea CORNIA,
Income Distribution under Latin America's New Left Regimes
(Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2010, 11(1), pp. 85-114.)
WP15/2009 Marco BELLANDI,
Perspectives on Mature Marshallian Industrial Districts
(in P. Cooke, B. Asheim, R. Boschma, R. Martin, D. Schwartz, F. Todtling (eds), Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011, pp. 78-90.)
WP14/2009 Nicolo' BELLANCA, Renato LIBANORA, Enrico TESTI,
Un Esperimento di Distrettualizzazione dell'Economia Civile
(Impresa sociale, 2009, 78(3), pp. 156-179.)
WP13/2009 Marco BELLANDI,
Regions, Nations and Beyond in Marshallian External Economies
(in Raffaelli, T., T. Nishizawa, S. Cook (eds.) Marshall, Marshallians and Industrial Economics, Routledge, London, 2011, pp. 286-307. )
WP12/2009 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
Is Oil A Financial Asset? An Empirical Investigation Spanning the Last Fiftheen Years
(International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2012, 17(1), pp. 73-88.)
WP11/2009 Filippo CESARANO, Giulio CIFARELLI, Gianni TONIOLO,
Exchange Rate Regimes and Reserve Policy on the Periphery: The Italian Lira 1883-1911
(Open Economies Review, 2012, 23(2), pp.253-275.)
WP10/2009 Sebastiano NEROZZI,
From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacob Viner and International Monetary Stabilization (1930-1945)
(European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2011, 18(1), pp. 55-84. )
WP09/2009 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Margherita VELUCCHI,
Location, Internationalization and Performance of Firms in Italy: a Multilevel Approach
(Applied Economics, 2013, 45(18), pp. 2665-2673.)
WP08/2009 Lucia MANGIAVACCHI, Paolo VERME,
Evaluating Pro-poor Transfers When Targeting is Weak: The Albanian Ndihma Ekonomike Program Revisited
(Economics of Transition, 2013, 21(4), pp. 683-712.)
WP06/2009 Nicolò BELLANCA, Mario BIGGERI,
Dalle Capability Esterne alle Capability Collettive
(in Biggeri M. e Bellanca N. (a cura di), Dalla relazione di cura alla relazione di prossimità. L'approccio delle Capability alle persone con disabilità, Collana Biòtopi, Liguori, Napoli, 2010, pp. 89-124.)
WP05/2009 Nicolò BELLANCA, Mario BIGGERI, Francesca MARCHETTA,
La Disabilità nell'Approccio delle Capability
(in Biggeri M. e Bellanca N. (a cura di), Dalla relazione di cura alla relazione di prossimità. L'approccio delle Capability alle persone con disabilità, Collana Biòtopi, Liguori, Napoli, 2010, pp. 39-88.)
WP04/2009 Mario BIGGERI, Jean-François TRANI, Parul BAKHSHI,
Le Teorie della Disabilità: una Reinterpretazione attraverso l'Approccio delle Capability di Amartya Sen
(in Biggeri M. e Bellanca N. (a cura di), Dalla relazione di cura alla relazione di prossimità. L'approccio delle Capability alle persone con disabilità, Collana Biòtopi, Liguori, Napoli, 2010, pp. 13-38.)
WP03/2009 Domenico COLUCCI, Nicola DONI, Vincenzo VALORI,
Dynamics in Non-Binding Procurement Auctions with Boundedly Rational Bidders
(in Chiarella C., G.I. Bischi and L. Gardini (eds), Non linear dynamics in economics, finance and social sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 181-193.)
WP02/2009 Antonio MAGLIULO,
Gli Economisti e la Cooperazione
(in L. Bagnoli (a cura di), La funzione sociale della cooperazione, Carocci, Roma, 2011, pp. 21-57.)
WP01/2009 Lisa GRAZZINI,
Istruzione, Crescita e Democrazia: le Teorie della Complessa Relazione
(Politica Economica, 2009, 25(2), pp. 193-233.)
WP16/2008 Francesca MARCHETTA,
Migration and Non Farm Activities as Income Diversification Strategies: the Case of Northern Ghana
(Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 34(1), pp. 1-21 .)
WP15/2008 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
Oil Price Dynamics and Speculation. A Multivariate Financial Approach
(Energy Economics, 2010, 32(2), pp. 363-372.)
WP14/2008 Simone BERTOLI, Herbert BRÜCKER,
Extending the Case for a Beneficial Brain Drain
(Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik, 2011, 231(4), pp. 466-478.)
WP13/2008 Pier Angelo MORI,
Design of Multidimensional Franchise Auctions by an Ignorant Principal
WP12/2008 Pier Angelo MORI,
Il Metodo Aggregativo-Compensatore come Criterio di Aggiudicazione di Aste
(Rivista di Politica Economica, 2012, 101(1), pp. 311-46.)
WP11/2008 Simone BERTOLI, Giovanni Andrea CORNIA, Francesco MANARESI,
Aid Effort and its Determinants. A Comparison of the Italian Performance with other OECD Donors
(BNL Quarterly Review, 2007, 60 (242), pp. 271-321.)
WP10/2008 Alessandro PETRETTO,
The Impact of Productive Efficiency and Quality af a Regular Local Public Utility on Final Goods Prices and Consumers Welfare
(Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 2009, 68(3), pp.311-341.)
WP09/2008 Vittorioemanuele FERRANTE,
"Chooser Dependant" Preferences, and Attitudes de se
WP08/2008 Elisa TICCI,
Quando la Crescita Economica causa Impoverimento: il Ruolo dell'Accesso alle Risorse Naturali e del Degrado Ambientale
(Studi e Note di Economia, 2008, 13(2), pp. 353-377.)
WP07/2008 Angelo ANTOCI, Paolo RUSSU, Elisa TICCI,
Distributive Impact of Structural Change: Does Environmental Degradation Matter?
(Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2009, 20(4), pp. 266-278.)
WP06/2008 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Umanitarismo Competitivo: le ONG nei Processi dell'Aiuto e dell'Emergenza
(Jura Gentium, 2008.)
WP05/2008 Antonio MAGLIULO,
The Austrian School on Happiness and Relational Goods
(International Review of Economics, 2010, 57(2), pp. 143-162.)
WP04/2008 Sebastiano NEROZZI - Pierluigi NUTI,
Adam Smith and the Family
(Hystory of Economic Ideas, 2011, 19(2), pp. 11-42.)
WP03/2008 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Democratizzazione e Percorsi di Sviluppo: sulla Coevoluzione di Sistemi Economici e Regimi Politici
(Studi e Note di Economia, 2008, 13(2), pp. 217-244.)
WP02/2008 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Conflitto Sociale e Incomparabilità dei Beni
(Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2009, 1(3), pp. 123-146.)
WP01/2008 Pasquale TRIDICO,
Growth, Inequality and Poverty During a Process of Institutional Change
(Transition Studies Review, 2010, 16(4), pp. 979-1001.)
WP10/2007 Nicola DONI,
A Comparison of Alternative Procedures for the Selection of the Private Partner in PPP Projects
WP09/2007 Lisa GRAZZINI, Alessandro PETRETTO,
Voting on Devolution in a Federal Country with a Bicameral National System
(Economics of Governance, 2012, 13(1), pp. 51-72.)
WP08/2007 Sebastiano NEROZZI,
Building up a Multilateral Strategy for the United States: Alvin Hansen, Jacob Viner and the Council on Foreign Relations (1939-1945)
(in Leeson R. (ed), American Power and Policy, Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, 2009, pp. 24-68.)
WP07/2007 Giorgia GIOVANNETTI, Giorgio RICCHIUTI, Margherita VELUCCHI,
Size, Innovation and Internationalization: A Survival Analysis of Italian Firms
(Applied Economics, 2011, 43(12), pp. 1511-1520.)
WP05/2007 Nicolò BELLANCA, Giovanni CANITANO,
Made in Italy as a Collective Belief. A Model of Investment in Stereotype s
(Economia e Politica Industriale, 2008, 34(3), pp.155-179.)
WP04/2007 Hervé BARON,
La teoria del Ciclo di Hayek: Esposizione e Discussione
WP03/2007 Nicolò BELLANCA,
Ostacoli allo Sviluppo? Variazioni su un Tema di Albert Hirschman
(Rivista di Politica Economica, 2008, 98(1-2), pp. 57-88.)
WP02/2007 Giulio CIFARELLI, Giovanna PALADINO,
The Buffer Stock Model Redux? An Analysis of the Dynamics of Foreign Reserve Accumulation
(Open Economies Review, 2008, 20(4), pp. 525-543.)
WP01/2007 Antonio MAGLIULO,
Sulla Felicità in Economia. La Teoria dei Beni Relazionali di Menger e Böhm-Bawerk
(Storia del Pensiero Economico, 2008, n.2, pp.5-35.)
Ultimo aggiornamento