The workshop will be organised by the Department of Economics and Management "M. Fanno" in collaboration with the University of Florence, the PhD Programme DELOS of the Unviersity of Firenze and University of Trento, and the Unviersity of Valencia and Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Local organizers at the University of Padua:
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Silvia Rita SeditaAssociate Professor of management at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova. Her research agenda includes issues within the field of management of creativity and innovation in inter-organizational networks. The theoretical focus is on agglomerations (clusters and industrial districts), project based organizations in creative industries and university-industry collaborations in high-tech industries. The main research settings are creative industries (design, music industry), high-tech industries (life science, advanced materials), Italian industrial districts and clusters. She published articles and book chapters in national and international outlets in the field of inter-organizational networks for innovation in clusters and industrial districts. Email: silvia.sedita@unipd.it
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Marco BettiolMarco Bettiol is a Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" at University of Padua . He is also researcher at TeDIS Center within Venice International University. He has conducted research on several topics the impacts of ICT among industrial district, knowledge management and communities of practices, design and creativity in SMEs and industrial district. More recently his research focused on Industry 4.0 and its impact on SME's business strategy. Email: marco.bettiol@unipd.it |
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Roberto AntoniettiRoberto Antonietti is Associate Professor of Economic Policy at the "Marco Fanno" Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova. His research interests include the geography of innovation, the analysis of the determinants of regional diversification trajectories, and the role of FDI in stimulating local economic and institutional change. He is also Associate Editor of Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics and of Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science. Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/robertoantonietti77/
Email: roberto.antonietti@unipd.it |
Co Organizers:
Luciana Lazzeretti |
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Full Professor in Economics and Management and founding director of the Post-graduate course in Economics and Management of Cultural Goods and Museums, University of Florence. Coordinator of the Doctorate Program ‘Development Economics and Local Systems’ (DELoS), University of Trento and Florence. Her current research interests deal with: industrial districts, cultural clusters, cities of art, creative and cultural industries, innovation and creativity. She recently published Creative industries and innovation in Europe, Routledge (2013) and Creative cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development, Edward Elgar (2008) (with Phil Cooke). Email: luciana.lazzeretti@unifi.it |
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Francesco CaponePhD, Assistant Professor in Management at the Dept. of Economics and Management, University of Florence. He is member of the Doctorate Programme ‘Developing Economics and Local Systems’ (DELoS), University of Trento and Florence. His recent research interests deal with innovation, creativity and inter-organisational collaborations in open contexts, such as industrial districts and clusters. He published several articles in national and international journals, among others: Industry and Innovation, Journal of Business Research, European Planning Studies, European Urban and Regional Studies, Annals of Regional Science, etc. He recently published with Routledge (2016): Tourist clusters, destinations and competitiveness. Email: francesco.capone@unifi.it |
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Annalisa CaloffiAssociate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence. She held a PhD in Economics and management of firms and local systems at the University of Florence. Her research interests focus on industrial and innovation policy, clusters and districts and innovation networks. She is member of the Centre for Applied Economics, Industrial Policy, Local Development and Internationalization - c.MET05, and of the Centre for the Analysis of Public Policies - CAPP, of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Email: annalisa.caloffi@unipd.it
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Rafael BoixPhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Structure, University of Valencia. His current research interests include creative industries, industrial districts and clusters, and networks of cities. He has participated in applied research for the OECD, the Barcelona City and Province, and the Spanish Ministry of Industry. He is the author of book chapters published in Springer, Edward Elgar, Routledge and IGI, and articles in specialized journals such as Land Use Policy, Papers in Regional Science, European Planning Studies, Regional Studies, The Annals of Regional Science, The Journal of Regional Research, Industry and Innovation, and European Urban and Regional Studies, among others. Email: rafael.boix@uv.es
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Josè Luis HervasPhD, Full Professor at Polytechnic University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain). Dr. Hervas-Oliver has been granted by several universities and Ministries (Industry, Economics, etc.) in order to fulfill research. He has three Top Class (A+ honors) distinctions in my MSc, BSc and PhD. Dr. Hervas-Oliver is devoted to the study of ecosystems of innovation, entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness, clusters and startups, mainly focused on SMEs. Main publications include Research Policy, Technovation, Journal of Economic Geography, Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, European Planning Studies, Policy Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, etc., among many collaborations and editing work in contributed volumes (Routledge, Springer, Edward Elgar, etc.). At the present time, Dr. Hervas-Oliver leads a RD Project on cluster capabilities and innovation in Spain (ECO2015-63645-R) Email: jose.hervas@omp.upv.es